'Plot as vectors' and the perceptual rendering intent

Hi Kaisa

Thank you for your patience. :slight_smile:

You using the beta update?

3.0.1b5 last time I wrote, 3.0.1.b6 now. The tune-up didn’t change the situation.

Btw, while waiting for the new beta release to become available, I sort of hacked a cmyk output profile from Fogra making the Colorimetric pointers in the tag table point at the Perceptual LUTs. The conversion of light colours could now be said to be in the same ballpark as the one I get in Photoshop, but the trick didn’t work for dark colours.

Guess we’ll have to wait for a fix to come from Chromix
Apropos, it would be really useful for me to know about its tentative release date.


It’s just occurred to me, that the difference here might be use of LUT and Matrix profiles, and the Perceptual rendering thereof. Matrix profiles are simply unable to perform Perceputal conversions, to my understanding… just thinking out loud here, haven’t tested this but…