colorthink pro 3 and beta13 do not quit cleanly in mac osx

I run OS X 10.4.9, powerbook g4. I bought pro 3 a few days ago and have used only grapher. Graphics card is ATI Mobility Radeon 9700.

A program should do at least two things. It should be able to start, and it should be able to stop. Colorthink does not want to stop.

I have observed that if I select any profile to graph, I cannot Quit colorthink without using Force Quit under the blue apple.

What happens when I select Quit from colorthink menu? The three colorthink windows vanish but the menu at top of screen remains. None of the menu items function. The program shows up in the Apple Force Quit Applications window. It is not tagged “not responding”.

This state obtains for pro 3 and for beta13.

I have used only the grapher module. No other modules was clicked.

The issue of ColorThink Pro not quiting on some systems has been resolved in the new beta (Version 3.0.1 beta14):

With this beta, we believe we have wrapped up all the outstanding issues concerning the grapher. If you or anyone finds any more issues, please let us know. Remember, also, that it is usually easier and faster to get a response from us on specific bug questions by using the “Web->Feature Requests/Bug Reports” menu item right inside ColorThink Pro.