DSLR Color space

Some RAW converters support profiles, some don’t. Those that do sometimes do a good job, sometimes not (a lot depending on how the profile was built). Some products allow you to render the image into a linear wide gamut space (what the RAW converter would consider the internal RAW color space after demosic). Bibble and RAW Developer are two products that come to mind that allow this. You can profile over that behavior, the best way to handle all this if you must deal with camera profiles.

Actually, I don’t have a lot of experience using RAW and colour management. So, don’t mistake me for an expert on digital cameras.


One example of this is UFRAW which is an open source program (IE. it is free) that uses DCRAW as it’s back end. DCRAW is the code base that is used by most third party RAW conversion software including the Adobe software. Everyone that is interested in color management and works with RAW digicam images needs to have a look at UFRAW.