Monitor Calibration with the Eye One

Do I adjust the gamma, brightness, contrast in the graphics controller properties box, along with the color channels. Or do I adjust the brightness and contrast of the monitor with the monitor controls on the front of the monitor. Monitor is a CRT and I am using the Eye One. Thank you.

Use the controls on the front of the monitor. The profile then adjusts the video card.

As a tangent what specifically do the driver color settings control? nVidia graphics drivers often include this sort of panel. I assume its a sotware based lookup table of some sort?

As a tangent what specifically do the driver color settings control?
nVidia graphics drivers often include this sort of panel. I assume its
a sotware based lookup table of some sort?

They control the RGB calibration curves in the graphics card. There is a curve for each channel that allows control over the maximum output of each channel (balancing the white point), setting the brightness of the mid point (gamma) and ensuring the channels are balanced together (gray balance).

It is best to spend the time working on the front of the monitor first. Then the software only needs to make fine adjustments to the graphics card curves to get the right white point and gamma.

Monitor profiles are a bit odd. The calibration of the monitor (which is technically not part of the profile) is the part that does the heavy lifting. The profile itself just documents the gamma and white point you selected… and records the actual RGB colors of the phosphors / filters.



This brings to mind the monitors that come packaged with calibrators, such as the Barco and NEC. Presumably, these devises adjust brightness and contrast settings and then proceed to characterize the monitor. They certainly simplify the process of maintaining monitor calibration–plug and play push-button CM!

Is this an accurate assessment of the technology?

At 7:35 AM -0800 2/17/05, SciTech wrote:

This brings to mind the monitors that come packaged with calibrators, such as the Barco and NEC. Presumably, these devises adjust brightness and contrast settings and then proceed to characterize the monitor. They certainly simplify the process of maintaining monitor calibration–plug and play push-button CM!

Is this an accurate assessment of the technology?


they go a little further I think, if the monitor has gamma control… not sure which ones would though.



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