ONYX Production House 7.x & Photoshop

Hi, I’ve recently calibrated, linearised and profiled a new HP Z6100 with ONYX Production House. Can anyone advise on getting the CMYKcm profile out of OPH and into Photoshop for an output aim point primarily? Or secondly into GMB Profile Maker.

Thanks in advance,
Christian Macey

Are you just wanting to grab the ICC that you created during the media profiling process?

If that’s the case, you can manually grab it from here:

Once there you’ll just keep drilling down through the media and then mode, etc, till eventually you will get to the folder with the ICC in it. It will just have a generic name however like “ICC Profile Table.Icc”

I’ve been trying to “view” my icc made with ONXY in Photoshop. I changed all the names from ICC profile table to what they are, and when I put in my profile folder the names stay the same. However when I go to proof on photo shop, the name icc profile table is still used. So now I can only view one profile at a time. Moving then back and forth from my profile folder to another folder specifically for proofing. Anyone else come accross the problem ???