Profiles Eye-one match and Color Eyes with eye-one pro inst.

I just added the Eye-One Match Photo package to my tool set. I have come across an interesting difference between display profiles made with the two software packages when using the Eye-One pro instrument.

The main thing that is puzzling me is that the profile built by Color Eyes and the i1 pro does not go all the way black. It stops at a L value of about 5 where as the profile built with Match goes all the way to an L value of 0. It is also interesting to note that profiles I build previously with ColorEyes and a DPT-94 go all the way to L of 0.

I am wondering how to determine which is more accurate. Since two out of three go to black it seems likely that those profiles are more accurate. That would indicate that the Color Eyes/i1Pro combination is not working correctly. However, I was hoping to continue to use the Color Eyes software as it has the ability to recored monitor trending which I don’t think is included in the Match software. I don’t have the DPT-94 anymore since it was traded in on the Eye-One package.

Any feedback and/or explanation regarding this would be appreciated.

tks, louie