Turn around time for profiles

Just wondering what the normal turn around time should be for profiles. I sent a set of profile targets in January. The targets were received 1-25-2011 and the profiles were ready the same day. I sent another set of targets that were signed for on 2-7-2011 and nothing yet. The ColorShutte software stated that “this beta version has expired” I upgraded and now all jobs state “awaiting target”, even the previously completed profiles.


As it turns out these were sent to your account and then downloaded to your computer on 2/7.

As clarification: When you have just printed a new target and CHROMiX has not yet received it, the ColorShuttle client ‘Profile Name’ label will say “pending profile job”. But when the profiles are finished by CHROMiX and they are downloaded onto your computer, the’Profile Name’ label"pending profile job" is replaced by the actual name of the profile as you named it. Unfortunately, the current ‘Status’ label “awaiting target” is misleading and inaccurate. It should instead say “complete”. This was a temporary oversight on our part. Sorry about that.We will change that status identifier soon so that this particular confusion shouldn’t happen again.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

Rick Hatmaker